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Amphitheater in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski

The implementation of this ambitious project included the delivery and assembly of a steel structure with a membrane covering. Although the assembly was a challenge due to the need for precision work, we managed to achieve the goal. The structure, characterized by simplicity, fits perfectly into the modern landscape of the city, while emphasizing its cultural identity.

Year: 2024
Location: Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski
Area: 1260 m2
Material: Serge Ferrari Flexlight Advanced 1302
Construction: Abastran Sp. z o.o.
Scope: Design, construction, delivery and installation of membrane roofing.

The technical fabric we have selected, Flexlight Advanced 1302 S2 Serge Ferrari, is ideal as a roof covering for outdoor theaters, providing protection against rain and sun on an area of ​​1260m².

This project aims to improve the comfort of using the amphitheater, allowing residents and guests of the city to enjoy cultural events in all conditions. The final beneficiary of our efforts are all participants of public events, for whom the amphitheater has become a new, friendly meeting place.


  • 1. What materials were used to construct the Amphitheater roof?

    The roof is made of Serge Ferrari Flexlight Advanced 1302 S2 material, combining long life, consistent color and easy maintenance. This membrane is suitable for roofing sports halls, stadiums and outdoor theaters.

  • 2. What are the main design features of a roof?

    The main feature of the structure is the size of the membrane covering with a minimized number of steel elements. The roof consists of two arched main girders, which create two round profiles connected by means of sheets. The membrane stretched on the structure constitutes a load-bearing element, it is tensioned by means of steel ropes. The maximum dimensions of the auditorium roof are approx. 53.50m x 31.60m and a height of 15.44m.

  • 3. What functions does the roof perform in an amphitheater?

    The roof protects the audience from rain, sun and other weather conditions, allowing the organization of various cultural events regardless of the weather.

  • 4. Is the roof durable and how is it maintained?

    Yes, thanks to the use of high-quality materials, the roof is very durable. Maintenance mainly consists of periodic inspections of the steel structure and cleaning of the PVC membrane to maintain its aesthetic appearance and functionality.


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