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Exotarium in Sosnowiec

Aviary roofing project in Egzotarium in Sosnowiec made of Serge Ferrari Frontside View 381 shading net

Year: 2023
Location: Sosnowiec
Material: Serge Ferarri – FRONTSIDE VIEW 381
Contractor: Abastran Sp. z o.o.
Scope: Design, delivery and installation of aviary roofs

Aviary roofs in Egzotarium in Sosnowiec play a key role in protecting birds from sunlight. They are made of high-quality Serge Ferrari – Frontside view 381 mesh, which provides excellent shading. This mesh not only effectively blocks UV rays, but also allows free air flow, which helps maintain an optimal temperature inside the aviaries. Thanks to this, birds can stay in conditions similar to their natural environment. The use of Serge Ferrari mesh is a modern and effective solution that guarantees comfort and safety for all aviary residents.



  • 1. What material was used to make the roof covering?

    To build the roof, we used Serge Ferrari Frontside View 381 fabric, which is resistant to UV, weather conditions and mechanical damage. It maintains visibility outside and reduces heat inside the building.

  • 2. Does the roof require special care?

    Before starting cleaning, please read the supplier’s recommendations. To clean the mesh, use the agent recommended by the manufacturer. Dirt should be rinsed from the mesh surface with cold or warm water. The mesh should not be dried with hot air or by excessively heating the surface, as this may cause discoloration.


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